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Saucedo names Casares new Commissioner of Precinct 2

Saturday, 08 June 2013 17:27 Published in May 2013

A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


In a bold move, one of the most perplexing political interchanges in the history of Eagle Pass and Maverick County, County Judge David Saucedo named, now former city councilwoman Asalia Casares the new Commissioner of Precinct 2, replacing Daniela Flores-Aleman who had held the position since February. "Today is a great day in our community," stated Judge Saucedo, "For the simple fact that we have somebody who has worked diligently, somebody who has worked hard all of their career to serve the city of Eagle Pass and for me it's an honor to be able to give her the opportunity to serve the citizens of all of Maverick County.

Pursuit of Suspicious Vehicle ends at Mall

Wednesday, 29 May 2013 22:13 Published in May 2013

 A.D. Ibarra

 -Eagle Pass


A report of a van traveling with a large cargo was reported to local law enforcement officials which may have come from US Border Patrol who work diligently to secure the area in and around the Rio Grande. A chase ensued followed by a unified search for the suspicious vehicle which culminated in the detention of at least four men. When called in for backup which ended up being the Eagle Pass Police Department, Maverick County Sheriff's Department officials and even DEA, it was speculated that the contents of the van could be illicit narcotics. A van white in color, which officers had lost visual contact with momentarily was found near the parking lot of Mall de las Aguilas. When finally cornered, to the officers' collective surprise, a large number of what seemed to be illegal aliens began to file out of the vehicle, many making a run for the surrounding hills thus beginning a chase by foot where they were later detained.




Adrián Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


La Corte de Comisionados del Condado de Maverick estará tratando el tema de la auditoría esperada del Año Fiscal 2011 en la Reunión Especial de hoy. La auditoría financiera, incluyendo lo que se denomina la auditoría única Suplemento a la administración y la Carta de Gobierno para el año fiscal que termina el 30 de septiembre 2011 de Martínez, Rosario LLP, que puede mostrar las inconsistencias y la mala gestión de los fondos que resultó en la salida del anterior Auditor del Condado incluso puede haber justificado las investigaciones por el FBI y los Rangers de Texas, puede o no ser aprobado por la Corte de Comisionados en la reunión de hoy. La discusión y posible acción para poner en práctica un sistema de la unidad entre los Precintos 1, 2, 3 y 4 también se discutirá en la forma de una mesa de trabajo antes de ser puesto a un votado. Otro elemento de interés en la agenda es el tema consentimiento definitivo en la agenda para solicitar un puesto de control del tráfico de dos carriles en la carretera estatal 57, a nueve millas fuera de Eagle Pass en el Precinto 4, en un intento de acortar el tiempo de espera cuando uno viaja hacia a San Antonio o todavía mas lejos al interior del país.

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