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Nuevo Cónsul Ismael Navejas: México es un Mosaico de Cultura

Wednesday, 04 September 2013 22:23 Published in May 2013

Adrián Ibarra

-Consulado de México


The News Gram, tiene la grata fortuna de poder entrevistar y tener un momento en exclusiva con el nuevo Cónsul Mexicano Ismael Navejas el miercoles por la mañana donde nos dio la oportunidad de conocerlo y conocer sus principios e inciativas en su nuevo puesto. Navejas viene a Eagle Pass de el Consulado de Nueva York pero nació en La Ciudad de México y estudió Relaciones Internacionales y Sciencias Políticas en La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Ha estado en este ramo diplomático por treinta años con estancia en Europa donde trabajó cinco años en Suiza y en Paris en la Cancillería de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores en Europa. Tambien estuvo en Sur America ya que estuvo en Perú por un lapso de tres años.

No more than 200 votes have been cast in special election

Wednesday, 04 September 2013 22:18 Published in May 2013

A.D. Ibarra

-Multi-Purpose Center

No more than 200 votes have been counted thus far in this special election that the city is conducting to fill the Council vacancy for Place 1 and so far there has been poor community participation. Mary D. Velasquez, city secretary, announced that the election has been running smoothly, but with little community involvement. She hopes September 5th will allow more citizens to come out and do their civic duty after working hours when the polls will remain open late. Polls will be open from 8 AM to 8 PM in an effort to try to capture more votes. On Tuesday, September 10th, the polls will be open from 8 AM to 8 PM. The general election will be held on Saturday from 7 am to 7 pm, in the Multipurpose Center. According to the information released, from Friday-Monday, there had been 157 votes cast, 51 on Wednesday, 51 on Thursday and 55 on Friday, on Tuesday at the resumption of activities, no more than 50 votes had been cast.

A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


Students at all elementary schools across the EPISD will start off the 2013-2014 school year with a new set of basic school supplies thanks to the Brakie Family, the SA Youth Education Scholarships Foundation and Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and Kentucky Fried Chicken. "It's our way of saying "YES" to education," is clearly stated on a flyer which is found inside each school supply packet, "We want to help make dreams come true and help you succeed." The News Gram was on hand to see the distribution first hand to a group of first graders at San Luis Elementary where new principal Sylvia Saucedo was overseeing the event, "We're happy to be benefactors of the generosity that the SA YES Foundation provides each and every year. Some of our students may not have the means to purchase supplies at this time, so this insures that every student will have the basic supplies to start off the year." "We'd like to thank the community for their support throughout the year," stated Gonzalo Castillo, Manager of Pizza Hut whose staff were also on hand to assist in the distribution, "It is because of this support that we are able to do this each year for the past ten years and we hope to continue doing so."

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