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Ruben Carrillo

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-Eagle Pass


La Mesa Directiva del Relleno Sanitario del Condado de Maverick aceptó la renuncia de Hector Daniel Chavez que se desempeñaba en el cargo de Gerente del basurero local, y que dejó de trabajar desde la semana pasada.


Sin embargo los miembros de la mesa directiva no dieron a conocer detalles o los motivos de la renuncia de Chavez.


Rolando Jasso, Presidente de la mesa Directiva, dijo que aun no se toma acción para nombrar a un nuevo gerente, pero el cargo será ocupado de manera interina por Mike Castillo, quien era el asistente de Chavez.


Dijo que Castillo tiene todas las certificaciones y calificaciones para ocupar la Gerencia del Relleno Sanitario. Por su parte se realizará un proceso para buscar a un gerente definitivo.


Durante la reunión celebrada la tarde del martes en la casa de Corte del Condado de Maverick la mesa directiva tambien analizó el tema para iniciar el proceso para construir una nueva celda para recibir mas desechos de diferentes entidades y compañías que son clientes, dado que la primera celda que estaba proyectada para tener una vida de 6 a 10 años esta proxima a llenarse.


Las autoridades han explicado que el relleno Sanitario ha recibido ,mas desechos de los que se tenian proyectados y esto se denbe a que ha aumentado el numero de clientes, y todo esto genera mas ingresos.


A la reunion asistieron los miembros de la mesa directiva: Rolando Jasso, Benjamin Rodriguez, Enrique Montalvo, y Roberto Mireles, no asistió Michael de Luna. En la reunión estuvo asistente el Juez del Condado David Saucedo.




A.D. Ibarra



-Eagle Pass


When the terror of what took place at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut was being aired on every news source in America, parents shuddered to even think that a situation such as this could happen in a community such as Eagle Pass.

After all, the 20 children who were shot and killed by the deranged killer who entered the school and began opening fire with high-powered assault weapons were dropped off that day by their parents expecting nothing more than to innocently get the education they are supposed to receive on a daily basis each day, not to die by the hand of a gunman who has no business on campus.



-Eagle Pass


On Monday, Sheriff Tom Schmerber officially named Cesar De La Garza Administrator of the Tom Bowles Detention Center in replacement of Rodolfo Muñiz who resigned abruptly last week citing personal reasons.

De La Garza has served as a Lieutenant and was second in command under Muñiz and now Sheriff Schmerber has entrusted him with the position in an interim basis for the time being.

Schmerber has the utmost confidence that De La Garza will do a good job.  His first order of business is to make several necessary repairs to the facility and to get it ready to pass State inspection.

De La Garza was part of Sheriff Schmerber's initial team of assistants when he took over the Sheriff's Department 15 days ago.

Schmerber informed The News Gram that he is eagerly awaiting the audit in order to be able to establish guidelines by which his department could begin to run smoothly from here on out and to better run the Maverick County Jail.

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