Eagle Pass City Secretary Imelda Rodriguez is pleasantly surprised at the voter turnout.
Tuesday, January 28 was the final day of early voting with the vote count coming in at 3,234 votes cast.
That total has already surpassed the entire voting totals for the 2013 and 2017 City Mayoral and Council elections, which saw outgoing Mayor Ramsey E. Cantu and Councilmen Luis Sifuentes and Rudy Villalpando getting reelected.
Voter interest is coming from everywhere. So much that on Monday, January 28 approximately 100 people were turned away from voting because they live outside the City limits.
“This is a great sign that people are interested in what occurs in city elections,” said Mayoral candidate Luis Sifuentes.
The 2020 city special election has garnered interest from the voter not seen since the 1980s when Attorney David Riojas ran for City Council.
At this point, approximately 20% of the eligible city voter (16,000) have come out to vote.
Throughout the early voting period there have been many people who had their heart set on voting in the city election, but were told they could not because it's designated for voters who reside within city limits.
“We just want people to come out and exercise their freedom to vote,” said Elizabeth Chisum, candidate for City Council.
All candidates are hoping that the city voter comes out on election day and cast their vote for whomever it may be, just as long as they exercise their freedom to do so.
It's expected that close to 3,900 voters will cast their ballot by the end of the final day of voting on Saturday, February 1. Polls will be open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.