She cemented her roots in this community when she graduated from Eagle Pass High School, and later on became a teacher with the Eagle Pass Independent School District for 14 years.
By the year 2000, Mrs. Hernandez obtained her Bachelor's Degree, a Master’s Degree and a Law Degree and has been practicing law, since then.
“From 2000 to present, I have served this community as your City Attorney: City Council Member, and presently as your County Attorney, with several other positions and roles in between,” states Hernandez. “I have worn many hats, and the most treasured hat has been that of a Mom and Guita (Grandma).”
Gloria Hernandez is seeking to be elected as the first ever female Maverick County Attorney, a position she was appointed to and takes very serious.
“I believe that communities seek to achieve a harmonious environment where every one of its members achieves to its fullest potential, individually, and as part of the community,” stated Hernandez. “As parents we have the responsibility to guide our children and the responsibility to take corrective measures when needed. If necessary, we also have the duty to discipline appropriately with care. As a teacher, the same idea held true. I believe it applies to our community: it is our responsibility to find ways to treat each person individually.”
“Our job is to discourage individuals who pose a danger to self and others; or otherwise break the laws. As the County Attorney, it is my goal that our Office work alongside with law enforcement agencies, and with the judiciary to promote that healthy social environment for our residents. And reflect to determine when it is time to seek corrective measures or when the time for punishment (discipline) is necessary. All this using the same scale in the balance of justice for all involved,” added Hernandez.
“As elected officials, I believe that once elections are over — it is time to focus on our work for the people. I promise to work with each and every one regardless of political affiliation. We are elected to serve the people; not to waste our energy and resources fighting each other,” emphasized Hernandez.
“Our Goal is simple. In the last 9 months that I have been your County Attorney there has been an unprecedented number of face-to-face conferences with Defendants who come in to resolve their cases. I always make myself available to all the public. A lot has been achieved in the time I have been in office and much work remains, but there are trails that need to be opened to better serve our County. I will work to establish a closer relationship with the mental/behavioral health community for certain types of charges. In general, attempt rehabilitation, where feasible, before punishment,” concluded Hernandez.
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Gloria E. Hernandez was raised in Eagle Pass, a community that she so much loves.
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