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Graduaciones programadas para este fin de semana

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El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Eagle Pass realizará sus graduaciones de último año los días 26 y 27 de junio. 

Eagle Pass High School realizará su graduación el viernes mientras C.C. Winn High School realizará la suya el sábado.

Ambos eventos comenzarán a las 8:30 pm con la apertura del centro de Actividades Estudiantiles a las 7:00 PM.

Bajo todas las precauciones, el Distrito Escolar ha tomado una serie de medidas preventivas. Han anunciado que la ceremonia es opcional.

Solo se permitirán cuatro invitados por graduado.

Deben ser familiares directos y no se permiten niños menores de 10 años.

EPISD ha estado trabajando diligentemente para garantizar que se sigan todas las medidas de seguridad.


Senior graduations scheduled for this weekend


The Eagle Pass Independent School District will be holding their senior graduations on June 26 and 27.

The Eagle Pass High School will hold their graduation on Friday while C.C. Winn High School will hold theirs on Saturday.

Both events will begin at 8:30 pm with the Students Activities Center opening at 7:00 PM.

Under all precautions the School District has taken a series of preventive measures.

They have announced that the ceremony is optional.

Only four guests will be allowed per graduate.

They must be direct family members and children under the age of 10 are not allowed.

EPISD has been working diligently to assure that all safety measures are followed.

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