The Commissioners Court met on Monday, August 10 in which they were presented an item by Pct. 4 Commissioner Roberto Ruiz seeking to include sewer connections for properties not currently serviced.
The Commissioners Court approved the item and 2 sewer connections will take place in the immediate future.
The Eidson Rd. paving project will then begin after those sewer connections take place.
The Eidson Rd Paving project has been in the works since February of this year.
The item was put up for consideration by Commissioner Ruiz who along with the entire court have been working on providing the much deserved services to the county residents.
Eidson Road is a main thoroughfare for thousands of community residents who drive on this roadway to and from their homes to other county and city destinations.
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The Maverick County Commissioners Court continue moving forward with the much-needed repaving of Eidson Rd.
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