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25 muertes de Covid 19 en centros de enfermería locales

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El Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Texas (TDHHS) ha informado que hasta el 28 de agosto ha habido 25 muertes en tres centros de enfermería y rehabilitación en el condado de Maverick debido al virus Covid-19. 

Este es un aumento de aproximadamente 700 por ciento en relación con el número de muertes reportadas por TDHHS para el mes de julio que tuvo 3 muertes dentro de ese informe mensual.

Los funcionarios de salud han declarado desde el primer día que las personas mayores y las personas con condiciones médicas preexistentes destacadas son las más vulnerables a enfermarse gravemente del virus Covid-19.

Mensualmente, el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Texas (TDHHS) proporciona informes sobre la cantidad de personas infectadas en centros de enfermería en todo el estado, incluidos los del condado de Maverick.

Durante el mes de julio, hubo un total de 122 residentes que dieron positivo por Covid-19 en 3 centros de enfermería. En agosto se notificaron 112 casos acumulativos entre los residentes.

En esas 3 instalaciones hubo 40 casos acumulativos de Covid-19 de empleados en julio. Durante agosto, se informaron 81 casos acumulativos entre las 3 instalaciones de empleados positivos de Covid-19.

En julio, TDHHS informó que hubo 3 muertes entre todos los casos de Covid-19 reportados en los 3 centros de enfermería en el condado de Maverick. En el informe de agosto del DHHS, muestra un total de 25 muertes.

Las 3 instalaciones en los informes del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Texas para el condado de Maverick son Eagle Pass Nursing and Rehabilitation con 6 muertes acumuladas, La Hacienda de La Paz Rehabilitation and Care Center con 8 muertes y Maverick Nursing and Rehabilitation Center con 11 muertes.

Las instalaciones mostraron que al menos 59 pacientes se recuperaron durante ese período de informe.

Las instalaciones bajo las guías del gobernador de Texas, Greg Abbott, están evaluando a sus residentes y empleados al menos dos veces por semana. “NOTA: Los datos de este informe reflejan casos de COVID-19 en residentes y personal de centros de enfermería autorizados, según lo informado por el proveedor a la Comisión de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Texas (HHSC) a la fecha indicada.

Estos datos se han revisado para detectar errores de transcripción y entrada de datos, pero la HHSC no puede verificar la precisión del informe de la instalación en su totalidad.

Los datos sobre los residentes después del alta de una instalación tampoco se reflejan.

Por lo tanto, todos los datos de este informe son provisionales y están sujetos a cambios y pueden ser diferentes de los datos que un proveedor informa a otras entidades privadas, locales, estatales o federales debido al momento del informe u otros factores.

La HHSC investiga cada centro de enfermería que reporta un caso positivo para COVID para verificar el cumplimiento de las regulaciones de salud y seguridad ".



TDHHS reports 25 deaths in local Nursing Facilities in Aug. from Covid 19


The Texas Department of Health and Human Services (TDHHS) has reported that as of August 28 there have been 25 deaths within three Nursing and Rehabilitation facilities in Maverick County due to the Covid-19 Virus.

This is an increase of approximately 700 percent in relation to the number of deaths reported by TDHHS for the month of July which had 3 deaths within that monthly report.

Health officials have stated since day one that senior citizens and people with underlining pre-existing medical conditions are the most vulnerable to becoming gravely ill from the Covid-19 Virus.

On a monthly basis the Texas Department of Health and Human Services (TDHHS) provides reports regarding the number of individuals infected at Nursing Facilities across the State including those in Maverick County.

During the month of July, there were a total of 122 residents who had tested positive for Covid-19 out of 3 nursing facilities. In August there were 112 cumulative cases reported among residents.

In those 3 facilities there were 40 cumulative employee Covid-19 positive cases in July.

During August, 81 cumulative cases among the 3 facilities were reported for positive Covid-19 employees. Back in July, TDHHS did report that there were 3 fatalities among all the Covid-19 cases reported in the 3 nursing home facilities in Maverick County. In the TDHHS August report it shows a total of 25 deaths.

The 3 facilities in the Texas Department of Health and Human Services reports for Maverick County are Eagle Pass Nursing and Rehabilitation with 6 cumulative deaths, La Hacienda de La Paz Rehabilitation and Care Center with 8 deaths, and Maverick Nursing and Rehabilitation Center with 11 deaths.

The facilities did show that at least 59 patients did recover during that reporting period. The facilities, under the guides of Texas Governor Greg Abbott, are testing their residents and employees at least twice a week. “NOTE: Data in this report reflect COVID-19 cases in residents and staff at licensed nursing facilities, as self-reported by the provider to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) as of the date indicated.

This data has been reviewed for data entry and transcription errors, but HHSC cannot verify the accuracy of the facility's report in its entirety.

Data on residents after discharge from a facility also are not reflected. All data in this report are therefore provisional and subject to change and might be different than data a provider self-reports to other private, local, state, or federal entities due to the timing of reporting or other factors. HHSC investigates every nursing facility that reports a COVID-positive case for compliance with health and safety regulations.”

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