The most recent extension is set to expire on November 22 but no indications of them being lifted have been given.
Eagle Pass Mayor Luis Sifuentes recently stated that he believes that due to Increases in Covid-19 cases on both sides of the border the opening of bridge travel for non-essential travelers will not take place this month.
No indications of what's to occur have been given by both sides of the federal Government's.
The business community is bracing itself for a catastrophic hit as Black Friday sales are a week away. For years these days, thousands of travelers from across the border take advantage of the sales which generate millions of dollars in revenues.
This will not be the case this year.
The Covid-19 Pandemic will be going on 8 months as of November 21st. Throughout this time, businesses have been devastated by the losses they have had to endure.
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Officials are bracing themselves and expecting that the US and Mexican Government will move to extend non-essential travel restrictions for at least another month.
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