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El gobernador Greg Abbott da positivo por Covid-19

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El gobernador de Texas, Greg Abbott, dio positivo por el virus Covid-19. 

Los funcionarios informaron que el gobernador Abbott dio positivo por COVID-19 el martes 17 de agosto. Un portavoz de su oficina dijo que goza de buena salud y no presenta síntomas.

Se dice que el gobernador Abbott fue vacunado en 2020, está en cuarentena en la mansión del gobernador en Austin y recibe tratamiento con anticuerpos monoclonales.

Abbott está programado para ponerse en cuarentena al menos durante 10 días después de su resultado positivo.

Está previsto que el gobernador Abbott visite Eagle Pass el 31 de agosto como invitado especial al evento Lincoln Reagan Dinner que está organizando el Partido Republicano del Condado de Maverick.

Se desconoce si hará el viaje o cancelará su aparición.


Gov. Greg Abbott Tests Positive for Covid-19


Texas Governor Greg Abbott has tested positive for the Covid-19 Virus.

Officials reported that Gov. Abbott tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday, August 17. A spokesperson for his office stated he is in good health and experiencing no symptoms.

Gov. Abbott is said to have been vaccinated in 2020, is quarantined at the governor’s mansion in Austin and receiving monoclonal antibody treatment.

Abbott is scheduled to quarantine at least for 10 days after his positive result.

Gov. Abbott is scheduled to visit Eagle Pass on August 31 as a special guest to the Lincoln Reagan Dinner event being put together by the Maverick County Republican Party.

It's unknown if he will make the trip or cancel his appearance.

Last modified on Tuesday, 24 August 2021 17:50

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