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Discord Among County Officials over Budgeted Funds per Precinct

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A discord among Maverick County Officials on just how exactly budget funding is distributed is occuring between Pct. 4 Commissioner Roberto Ruiz and County Budget Officer Judge David Saucedo. 

Just last week, Commissioner Ruiz issued out a pie graph where he claims that funding is not being distributed evenly.

The graph he provided shows that his "administrative offices" will receive $116,211 while Precinct 2 is proposed to receive $189,460, Precinct 1 will receive $206,278, and Precinct 3 will get $69,104.

Ruiz added in a post he put up on Facebook "Lopsided venues meant to benefit two selected precincts with total disregard for the rest of the citizens of Maverick County. Transparency at its best."

In order to clear up some of the concerns being claimed, Judge Saucedo held a conference on Tuesday, September 21, where he provided himself a pie graph on funding distribution per Precinct.

The graph provided by Saucedo details the personnel, community centers, operating supplies per precinct.

The budget for all that comes in at $1,685,685.

Judge Saucedo stated that the majority of that budget breakdown goes to Precinct 3 with $1,021,246 being proposed in the 2021/2022 budget.

Precinct 4 will receive $268,521 while Precinct 2 is to receive $189,640, and Precinct 1 looking at receiving $206,278.

The reasoning behind some of the funds being distributed in a certain way has to do with what each precinct is responsible for.

For example, Precint 3 has two Community Centers, the Maverick County International Airport, and Water Treatment Plant thus demanding a bigger chunk of the funds available for operations, personnel, community centers, and operating supplies.

This discord among county officials has brewed for some time. It's understandable that every Commissioner will fight to receive

as much funding as possible to provide services much deserved for their precinct‘s constituents.

Hopefully, through the discord they can continue to work together to keep improving our community’s condition as we all have witnessed them doing so in the past few years.


Last modified on Monday, 01 November 2021 23:37

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