La orden de registro es parte de una investigación de tiroteo en curso que ocurrió la madrugada del domingo en el Casino Kickapoo Lucky Eagle en Eagle Pass.
Un sujeto identificado como Jeremy Montes, de 28 años, fue detenido en el condado de Dimmit y es el principal sospechoso del incidente del Casino.
Actualmente se encuentra detenido en el centro de detención del condado de Dimmit y está esperando ser trasladado al condado de Maverick, donde enfrentará cargos por el incidente del tiroteo.
Montes está siendo acusado de disparar un arma fuera del Casino Kickapoo Lucky Eagle, lo que provocó un pánico masivo entre los clientes.
Afortunadamente, nadie resultó gravemente herido durante el incidente.
Investigations into KLEC Shooting Incident Continue
Investigations into the Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino shooting incident continue as Texas Ranger Joe Sanchez, Zavala County Sheriff’s Office and Kickapoo Tribal Police, along with the assistance of the Crystal City Housing Authority, executed a search warrant on an apartment located at the 1600 Block of North 7th Ave in Crystal City.
The search warrant is part of an ongoing shooting investigation that occurred early Sunday morning at the Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino in Eagle Pass.
A subject identified as 28-year-old Jeremy Montes was detained in Dimmit County and is the prime suspect in the Casino incident.
He is currently being held at the Dimmit County Detention Center and is waiting to be transferred to Maverick County where he will face charges for the shooting incident.
Montes is being accused of firing a weapon outside of the Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino which caused mass panic among patrons.
Luckily no one was seriously injured during the incident.