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EPISD reporta 69 casos positivos de Covid-19 la semana pasada

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El superintendente del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Eagle Pass, Samuel Mijares, informó que la semana pasada el Distrito tuvo 69 personas que dieron positivo por Covid-19. Esto incluiría 50 estudiantes y 19 miembros del personal. 

Se realizaron 175 pruebas, de las cuales 38 resultaron positivas para Covid-19 del 4 al 7 de enero.

Es posible que estos números no reflejen una precisión total debido a posibles casos no informados por las familias al Distrito Escolar.

“De ninguna manera estamos ocultando números. Porque es importante que el público sepa cómo van las cosas. Porque queremos que estén alerta de la situación actual de Covid-19”, afirmó Mijares. “Si alguien tiene síntomas, queremos que se quede en casa. Si son positivos, queremos que se queden en casa. En este tipo de situaciones queremos que por favor nos llamen y pregunten por su trabajo."

El superintendente Mijares agregó que el EPISD tuvo un total de 293 casos positivos de Covid-19 durante el primer semestre escolar, de agosto a diciembre de 2021.

El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Eagle Pass insta a los estudiantes y al público a practicar medidas de seguridad, incluido el uso de una máscara facial, lavarse las manos con frecuencia y practicar medidas seguras de distanciamiento social.

69 casos positivos de Covid-19 es relativamente bajo en comparación con la cantidad de estudiantes y personal que es de aproximadamente 17,000.


EPISD Reports 69 Positive Covid-19 Cases Last Week


Eagle Pass Independent School District Superintendent Samuel Mijares reported that last week the District had 69 people test positive for Covid-19. This would include 50 students and 19 staff members.

175 tests were conducted, of which 38 came back positive for Covid-19 from January 4-7.

These numbers might not reflect a total accuracy due to possible unreported cases by families to the School District.

"We in no way are hiding any numbers. Because it is important for the public to know how things are going. Because we want them to be alert of the ongoing Covid-19 situation," stated Mijares. “If anyone is experiencing symptoms we want them to stay home. If they are positive, we want them to stay home. In this type of situation we want you to please call us and ask for their work."

Superintendent Mijares added that the EPISD had a total of 293 positive Covid-19 cases during the first semester of school, from August to December 2021.

The Eagle Pass Independent School District does urge students and the public to please practice safety measures including the wearing of a face mask, washing your hands often, and practicing safe social distancing measures.

69 positive Covid-19 cases is relatively low compared to the number of students and personnel which is about 17,000.

Last modified on Tuesday, 15 March 2022 00:56

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