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Ceremony held to honor Law Enforcement Week

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-Eagle Pass


Local dignitaries along with public officials were on hand this Wednesday morning in front of City Hall to pay tribute to law enforcement officers and the sacrifices that they make for the security and safety of our community. Father Joseph Benedict was also on hand to deliver the invocation on this important day. Police Lieutenant Aldo Escamilla headed the ceremony and presented some history about this important ocassion.  National Law enforcement week is conducted in remembrance of those who have fallen while serving as law enforcement officers. National Police Week started in 1962 by John F. Kennedy declaring National Memorial Day on May 15th, shortly after joint congress declared May 12 thru the 15th as National Police Officers Week as a special recognition. During national police week thousands law enforcement officers gather at designated areas within their communities to particiapte in community events. In the United States some 900,000 law enforcement officers put their lives on the line for the protection of others. 

Thanks in large measure to the dedicated men and women of law enforcement, crime rates are showing a downward trend. Sadly, there are 60,000 assaults to law enforcement officers on a yearly basis, resulting in 16,000 injuries over the last decade, 160 officers were killed while fulfilling their duties. In the year 2012, 120 officers lost their lives in the line of duty 11 are from Texas. 

Local dignitaries which attended included Councilwoman/Mayor Pro- Tem Asalia Casares, Councilman Billy Davis, Representatives from the Sheriff's Department, Department of Public Safety, Border Patrol and Probation Department were also on hand.


Mayor Pro-Tem Asalia Casares presented the proclamation thanking all the officers at the ceremony who keep the city of Eagle Pass safe, including all the law enforcement agencies who safeguard the freedoms of the citizens of Eagle Pass.

Last modified on Wednesday, 15 May 2013 23:58

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