The Sheriff stated that he is currently working on plans to bring another company to manage the prison or is also considering taking charge of the prison which currently generates revenue for Maverick County through federal prisoners. "Solutions are always available" says Schmerber, "We just have to sit down and decide what is best for Maverick County at this time". Currently the Maverick County Sheriff's Department has a Contract Monitor by the name of Guillermo De Los Santos who brings to Maverick County over 20 years of extensive Correctional Facility experience in much larger prison of 2-3 thousand inmates. Mr. De Los Santos will be supervising the Eagle Pass Prison announced Sheriff Schmerber.
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Press Release
-Maverick County Sheriff's Office
Maverick County Sheriff Tom Schmerber announced today the company GEO as of November will no longer be managing the prison located North of Eagle Pass. The Sheriff spoke in simpler terms stating to the citizens of Maverick County that this unfortunate situation will have no effect on the operation of the prison. The Sheriff would also like to clarify to the residents of Maverick County that the prison will not close and he is working closely together with Commissioner's Court on options that are available to the county.