A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
Dr. Claudia Torres, our friendly neighborhood veterinarian, will be administering vaccinations to both dogs and cats at the Multi-purpose Center tomorrow from 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Dr. Torres informed The News Gram that it is very important to have your pets vaccinated against rabies and the parvo virus/distemper vaccine which are very dangerous conditions which can lead to the death of your pet. The rabies vaccine is only $10.00 and the Parvo/Distemper is $15.00.
She will also be administering the feline vaccine for cats which is only $15.00.
The dewormer which is vital for puppies which are at least a month old is only $5.00.
For questions about this event, you can call Dr. Torres at 830-352-1415.