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WIC celebrates national breastfeeding month

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UMC hosted their annual event in honor of their breastfeeding mothers Wednesday morning. 

The occasion was a celebration of National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, and both breastfeeding and supplementing mothers were invited to enjoy raffles, prizes, refreshments, words from breastfeeding mother Denise Rodriguez, and a special proclamation reading by City Councilwoman Yolanda Ramón.

“We know babies that are breastfed, exclusively those that are breastfed in the first 6 months of life, are babies that will not just be healthier babies, but healthier adults,” said WIC Program Director Lupita Fuentes. “I think one of the things we want to encourage is, not only support in the medical community, but also out in the workplace so these moms have the support once they go back to work, and that they’re allowed to continue to keep breastfeeding and their employers support them in that aspect by providing them with the time to continue breastfeeding.”

Denise Rodriguez, mother to six children, shared her breastfeeding story with the audience. Rodriguez said she did not breastfeed her first five children, but tried very hard with her sixth child, Riley. After going through months of difficulty, Rodriguez was able to feed her daughter with the “liquid gold.”

With her daughter nearing her first birthday, Rodriguez said many have asked her when she will stop breastfeeding, but she does not have plans to stop anytime soon.

“I love the bond it has created between both of us. It is irreplaceable. I know that I have been giving and continue to give the best nutrition my baby can have that will last for a lifetime.”

WIC assists mothers like Rodriguez, who have trouble breastfeeding, and can refer them to different services such as milk banks. Fuentes said current WIC RN Julie Galán will soon be a certified International Breastfeeding Lactation Consultant. Galán would be the only consultant in the community, helping not only UMC, but potentially the Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center, as well. 

Councilwoman Ramón was last to speak, recognizing the mothers present, and read the document that proclaimed August national Breastfeeding Awareness.

“I’d like to thank every single mother here for doing what you’re doing. I know it’s a sacrifice, I know it takes a lot of time, and is stressful sometimes but it’s what’s best for the child and it’s certainly good for you too,” said Ramón.



UMC celebra Mes de Lactancia


Ayer miercoles  a las 10:30a.m. se llevó a cabo una ceremonia en el UMC del  Veterans Blvd para celebrar el mes Nacional de la Lactancia al bebé. En la ceremonia estuvo presente  la directora del programa del WIC local Lupita Fuentes, presente también el CEO William Worrell.  En esta ceremonia se dio lectura a una proclamación por parte de la ciudad, la encargada de leerlo fue la consejera Yolanda Ramón.   La importancia de la lactancia de la madre para el bebé en los primeros 6 meses de vida son fundamentales y muy importantes. Se a comprobado cientificamente que los niños que son amamantados por la madre son mas saludables, se previene infecciones respiratorias, se previene la obesidad y a lo largo de su vida logran ser adultos mas sanos.  Lupita Fuentes felicitó a las madres que han tomado esta decisión y a las futuras se les recomienda que hagan lo mismo.  El programa de W.I.C. recibe fondos estatales  y con ese dinero se contrata consejeras que tiene el trabajo de que cuando una madre tiene su bebito las visitan en el hospital local e inclusive en su casa para explicarles sobre todos y cada uno de los beneficios de amamantar a su hijo.   El objetivo principal es que las madres no utilicen leche de fórmula, además cuando el bebé recibe leche materna obviamente  se ahorra mucho dinero.   Si usted quiere hacer alguna preguna con toda confianza puede utilizar las dos oficinas del UMC, una por el Veterans Blvd y la otra por Eidson Rd.




Last modified on Wednesday, 31 August 2016 21:39

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