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Maverick County officials sworn in

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Staff Reports


Maverick County held a ceremony Tuesday, January 2, for those officials who were to be sworn in.

Among those taking their oath of office were District Attorney Roberto Serna, Sheriff Tom Schmerber, Tax Assessor and Collector Isamari Villarreal,  Commissioner of Precinct 1 Gerardo “Jerry” Morales, Constable  for Precinct 3 Mario Hernandez, and Constable for Precinct 4 Jose Regalado.

County Judge David Saucedo began the ceremony by thanking the officials, as well as the members of the public that attended. 

“These are people who have come in during difficult times and have agreed to serve, and want to serve, even though they know they’re going to be criticized, mostly unwarranted,” said Saucedo. “They’ve come into a very difficult position, and we need to appreciate the fact that these are the people who have sacrificed their time, who are ready to serve you, and who care about Maverick County, who care about the district.”

First to take their oath was Serna, who asked his friends, family, and law enforcement to join him. 

“We will bring justice to the victims and the victims’ families, we will hold accountable the defendants of these crimes in our communities. I believe we have done that, and I believe we have done that together. We are a safe community because we have worked hard to be a safe community: it’s no accident, this didn’t just happen,” said Serna. 

Next was Sheriff Schmerber, who was honored to have his family and friends there to share his experience. 

“I have a lot of confidence in the votes that I got for this this year: it shows we’re doing a good job,” said Schmerber, whose objective will be to continue conferences with sheriffs across Texas, and law enforcement officials across the border for facilitated location of criminals or missing persons. 

Maverick County Tax Assessor and Collector Isamari Villarreal thanked her family, her late father and husband, her mother, and her daughter for all their support, as well as Judge Saucedo and those in attendance. 

“It is a difficult and complicated job being a public official,” said Villarreal

Commissioner Morales thanked god and his family for being with him during his oath. Most importantly, he said, he wished to thank the community that gave him the opportunity to be in his position. 

Constable for Precinct 3 Mario Hernandez thanked his family, whose support allowed him to take on the position. Politics is very difficult, said Hernandez, especially speaking for the people, and he owed it all to his family.

Last to be sworn in was Constable for Precinct 4 José Regalado Jr. who thanked his children and grandchildren before he took his oath. 



Funcionarios del condado de Maverick toman juramento


Staff reports


  El condado de Maverick celebró una ceremonia el martes 2 de enero para los funcionarios que iban a ser juramentados.

   Entre los que prestaban su juramento se encontraban el Fiscal de Distrito Roberto Serna, el Sheriff Tom Schmerber, Asesora  y Recaudador de impuestos Isamari Villarreal, el Comisionado de Precinto 1 Gerardo "Jerry" Morales, Comisionado del Precinto 3 Mario Hernández y el Contestable del Precinto 4 José Regalado.

   El juez del condado David Saucedo comenzó la ceremonia agradeciendo a los funcionarios, así como a los miembros del público que asistieron.

   Primero para tomar su juramento fue el Fiscal Serna, quien estuvo junto con su familia.

  "Traeremos justicia a las víctimas y a las familias de las víctimas, responsabilizaremos a los acusados ​​de estos crímenes en nuestras comunidades. Creo que lo hemos hecho, y creo que lo hemos hecho juntos. 

   Somos una comunidad segura porque hemos trabajado duro", dijo Serna. 

    Sheriff Schmerber, que tuvo el honor de tener a su familia y amigos allí para compartir su experiencia tambien tomó su juramento.

  "Tengo mucha confianza en los votos que obtuve este año: demuestra que estamos haciendo un buen trabajo", dijo Schmerber.

  Isamari Villarreal, asesora y recaudadora de impuestos del condado de Maverick, agradeció a su familia, a su difunto padre y esposo, a su madre y a su hija por todo su apoyo, así como al juez Saucedo y  a los asistentes.

  El Comisionado Morales agradeció a Dios ya su familia por estar con él durante su juramento. Lo que es más importante, dijo, deseaba agradecer a la comunidad que le dio la oportunidad de estar en su posición.

  Contestable del Precinto 3 Mario Hernández agradeció a su familia, cuyo apoyo le permitió asumir el cargo. 

   La política es muy difícil, dijo Hernández, especialmente hablando por el pueblo, y él debía todo a su familia.

  El último en ser juramentado fue Contestable para Precinto 4, José Regalado Jr., quien agradeció a sus hijos y nietos antes de que hiciera su juramento.

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