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County awards scrap tire contract

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Maverick County Commissioners Court discussed and took action in awarding a request for proposal contract for scrap tire disposal and transportation during their meeting held on Monday, February 13.

During the meeting and under agenda item No. 53, Maverick County Judge David R. Saucedo requested certain information from County Road and Bridge Director Ernesto Guevara regarding the proposals submitted to the county by three different companies. 

Commissioner of Pct. 4 Roberto Ruiz asked which proposals submitted would provide the county with the necessary tools to facilitate and accomplish the job.

Guevara gave a breakdown of what each company was offering and also what would be the best fit for the county at this point, including an open container proposal.

“With an open container we can access and fill way easier, and it will be a faster option to get them out of there,” said Guevara.

Commissioners’ Court continued the discussion of the tire issue and broke down the proposals as to what was actually being requested by the county.

Commissioner Pct. 1 Jerry Morales asked how soon after approval they could begin to remove the tires.

Judge Saucedo then mentioned that the matter needed to be expedited as soon as possible due to a recent TCEQ report and of non-compliance.

“I’m sure that you read the report that came out today. We gave Mr. Wilson some notification from TCEQ . I don’t know if we can prevent that but we’re already on notice of being past on the compliance issue,” said Saucedo. “I know we can try to work that out, but we need to get on them real quick. You know the media went to town and had fun saying that the county owes this amount of money and I don’t know if they’re aware that sometimes with TCEQ you can work those things out, but what sells is scandal.” 

Commissioner Court then voted on the item unanimously accepting an RFP from Texas Reclamation LLC. Tire Services.

In a statement was later released by Commissioner Ruiz, stating that “after a long wait to find a company willing to take the task of clearing the perennial problem of the county’s tire accumulation, the commissioners’ court took a unanimous decision to award a long awaited contract to Texas Land Reclamation-UTW Tire Collection Services.

“I’m so glad we finally made the right decision in finding an outfit to help our citizens with the scrap tire transportation and disposal. For more than two decades the county was never able to solve this urgency, and now we are going to literally see the light,” said Ruiz. “ Hopefully, we shall see a removal movement by next week. A much awaited accomplishment by Maverick County.”

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