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Council to review city charter

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Jose G. Landa

Staff Writer


Eagle Pass City Councilwoman Gloria Hernandez is seeking to have the city conduct a charter amendment election in conjunction with the upcoming May 6, 2017 city officials election if possible. 

Hernandez brought up the issue during the most recent city council meeting, stating that she sought a proposition amending section 3-9 and 7-2 of the City Charter to require the approval of City Council for approval of any City department head selected by the City Manager.

This proposition had originally been brought up in 2015 by Mayor Ramsey E. Cantu but failed to make it onto the ballot during a May 9, 2015 election due to opposition from other council members , spearheaded by councilman Luis Sifuentes.

“I want to take a look at that and the possibility of having it on the next election. The council needs to approve it first and if not then maybe the citizens can request it by petition,” said Hernandez.

Hernandez stated that she wants to bring it up for discussion and see if the idea is plausible for the city officers election, or if other steps may be needed including a possible special called election for charter amendments.

Eagle Pass Mayor Ramsey E. Cantu stated that a review of the city charter was needed to see if any other changes should be considered for a charter election. 

“I think it’s important to look at it,” said Cantu. 

Back in 2015 Sifuentes and Cantu had differences in opinion on the issue. 

On March 3, 2015 the proposition came under fire as city councilman Luis Sifuentes proceeded to use  a subsidiary motion (reconsider the vote) under the Robert Rules of Order, to revisit a vote on the proposed propositions for election. Sifuentes was able to defeat the proposition, and others, after they had initially been approved on a split 3 to 2 vote.

Cantu was in favor of the amendment while Sifuentes was against it due to certain issues he said would arise from it, and that he was not willing to stand behind.  

The city may hold an election every two years to amend their city charter: the last election held was on May 9, 2015. 


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