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City designates funds to home rehabs

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   The Eagle Pass City Council voted to designate approximately $550,060.00 for house rehabilitations from the Colonias Self Helf Center Program after attempting to use the funds in a drainage project to benefit various areas in the county by providing some flooding relief.

    During the special meeting held on Thursday, March 23, Mayor Ramsey E. Cantu opened up conversation on the issue under agenda item No.6. consideration and possible approval of a Resolution of the City of Eagle Pass, Texas requesting an amendment to the Colonia Self Help Center Program, between the City of Eagle Pass and the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. 

    The council discussed what had been originally proposed by the county and  the issues with the proposal before agreeing that making improvements to drainage systems was not going to be possible. 

    Initially the city and the county had proposed concrete lining approximately 1,456 linear feet of the drainage channel in the target area Colonias of Las Quintas, Cedar Ridge #1, Morales #2 East, and Morales #2a. However, after a review of the preliminary engineering plans provided by Halff Engineering it was determined that the project, as proposed, would be cost prohibitive for the city, as well as the county.

    “I think we need to point out that we have looked at the drainage study, but they were not willing to work with us in parts. They wanted the whole project done and that’s why we can’t do the drainage. It didn’t make sense to do 100 or 150 linear feet and [leave the remainder the] same way,” said City Councilman Luis Sifuentes. 

   Mayor Cantu added that they had tried their best to be able to amend the contract to use the funding for a drainage project.

   “I know we had a lengthy discussion in regards to this funding. We tried everything we could to keep the contract with the amendment to possibly phase that project, but of course the state did not allow for it,” said Cantu. “Without the funding match we were requesting from the county and the possibilities of that, we could not do that. I personally had sit down meetings with commissioner morales and city administration and I know Councilman SIfuentes did as well, so I think there was plenty of outreach. However in order for us not to lose any funding we need to move forward with how it’s being presented at this time.”

   The City is requesting that the funds be used for Residential Rehabilitation in the amount of $550,060.00 and of at least least 20 residential rehabilitation activities of housing units for residents of the Las Quintas, Loma Bonita and Cedar Ridge Colonias at a cost not to exceed forty-thousand $40,000 or the line item amount 

    The county and city had attempted to proceed with using the funds for the original proposal of concrete lining, but it was finally deemed not feasible and an initiative needed to be taken to assure that the required time frames under the grant are met. 

    The city council voted in favor of the item.  


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