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Commissioners Court discusses pending taxpayer lawsuit

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Jose G. Landa

Staff Writer


  Maverick County's quarrel with a group of taxpayers was once again discussed in executive session during the Commissioners Court meeting held on Thursday March 30.

    However, the court took no action on the matter after they came back from executive session. 

   The county and the group will be heading to court during the month of July on issues related to a lawsuit filed against Maverick County on February 21, 2017. That lawsuit accuses the county of intentionally Invalidating the taxpayers petition for a Rollback election on the county's 2016 tax rate.

    During a March 2017 meeting, the Commissioners Court voted in favor of a possible motion against the plaintiff for all expenses incurred by the county for this litigation. As of March 31, 2017 such counterclaim has not been filed at the Maverick County District Clerk’s office.

    Judge ruled against the petition seeking a temporary injunction in the county in matters having to with the tax rate and collection of taxes.

  Taxpayer Ethelvina Felan filed a lawsuit against the Maverick County Commissioners Court and Elections Administrator Teodoro Roy Schmerber in the 293rd Judicial District Court in Maverick County, Texas, on Tuesday, February 21, 2017. This lawsuit seeks a writ of mandamus, declaratory relief, permanent injunction, reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, and expenses on the actions taken by the court to approve the Maverick County 2016/2017 Ad Valorem Tax Rate of $ 0.542309 per $100: a number that the plaintiff states is wrong due to half a cent state sales tax option to be used for tax reduction.


A group of citizens proceeded to gather signatures to call a rollback election on the county's taxation, but were subsequently stopped by Commissioners Court when they invalidated the petition due to insufficient valid signatures. The group then found that the number of voter signatures needed had been miscalculated. The state later validated that there had indeed been a mistake made, and the group claims that this would then validate their petition. 

   Since then the taxpayers have stated that all they seek is to get the county to hold the Tax Rollback Election.

   Judge Saucedo has stated that the county will stand strong in defending its position on the matter.

   Both the county and taxpayers in will have the opportunity to argue their points in a court of law.

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