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July is Watch Your Car Month

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Press Release


Vehicle thieves are constantly looking for opportunities to take advantage of drivers. Historically, more vehicle thefts and burglaries occur in Texas during summer months, which is why the Eagle Pass Police Department’s Auto Theft Unit has declared July “Watch Your Car Month.” 

During “Watch Your Car Month,” representatives from the Eagle Pass Police Department and other vehicle crime task forces funded by the Texas Auto Burglary and Theft Prevention Authority (ABTPA) will be working in their communities reminding drivers that they must protect their vehicles and possessions inside to avoid victimization by thieves. If drivers leave themselves vulnerable to theft, they are encouraged to change their behavior to avoid vehicle criminals.

 In addition, drivers should recognize that thieves want to strike in locations where people are most likely to leave belongings and be separated from their vehicles for longer periods of time. Those places may include homes, malls, gyms, movie theaters, hotels, and even places of worship. Thieves are looking for the biggest financial payoff in the shortest amount of time and with the greatest of ease. 

Texas drivers can help law enforcement decrease vehicle crimes by practicing simple prevention methodologies. First, don’t aid thieves by leaving doors unlocked and keys inside. Once a vehicle is stolen, any number of additional offenses could take place. The vehicle may be used to commit another crime. It may be operated erratically and involved in an incident. It may even be dismantled so the parts can be sold to fund other crimes ranging from drug use to terrorism.

Second, remove items from view. Much like thefts involving the entire vehicle, drivers often unintentionally assist burglars by leaving belongings visible. The only thing between your belongings and the thief is a piece of glass that can very easily be broken. Items left behind can result in a number of additional offenses. Keys or garage door openers can provide thieves access to homes, where belongings, money, and personal information could be taken. If a pet or child is left unattended in a vehicle, they could become additional victims of a thief. Items such as purses, briefcases, bags, electronics, clothing, or accessories can be stolen, leading to financial ruin, identity theft, or resale of items to other unknowing victims. 

Third, be aware. No device exists to stop carjackers, so a driver’s best defense is acknowledging surroundings. Watching situations around you can be the difference between becoming a victim and getting home safely. 



Julio es el mes de Vigila tu Auto



En los antecedentes de robo que involucra vehículos, durante los mese de verano ocurren con mas frecuencia.

Es por esto que el Departamento de Policia de Eagle Passs y la Autoridad de la Prevención de robo de vehículos a declarado el mes de Julio como “Watch Your Car Month” (El Mes de Vigilar su Vehiculo).

El Departamento de Policia estará recordando a la comunidad de que protejan su vehículo y sus pertenencias para evitar ser víctimas de robo. 

Los automovilistas deben de tomar en cuenta que los ladrones quieren tomar ventaja, y esto sucede mas frecuente cuando dejan cosas de valor expuestas, y el vehículo se deja en un lugar publico por mucho tiempo (cine, mall, hotel, iglesias).

Automovilistas pueden reducir el robo de vehículos simplemente practicando los siguientes métodos.

1. No dejar su vehículo abierto con las llaves adentro.

2. No dejar cosas de valor visibles dentro del vehículo.

3. Estar atento a sus alrededores.

Cuando un vehículo es robado, puede ser que este sea utilizado para cometer otro crimen. También puede ser usado de una manera errónea o que se desmantele o sea vendido por partes.

Dejando sus cosas de valor visibles dentro de su vehículo invita a los ladrones. Se debe tomar en cuenta que es muy fácil romper un cristal para tomar sus pertenencias. El robo de ciertos artículos encontrados como llaves de domicilios, control de puerta para cochera, bolsas de mano, maletines, y artículos electrónicos pueden provocar otro tipo de robo. Por ejemplo, robo a domicilio, robo de identidad que puede terminar en una ruina financiera y la venta de artículos robados a personas inocentes.

Se le recomienda a la comunidad estar atentos a sus alrededores y no ser víctima de algún tipo de robo, y llegar a casa sin peligro.


Last modified on Friday, 07 July 2017 19:58

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