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Commissioner's Court approves several projects

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A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


The Special Meeting of Commissioner's Court took place on Wednesday, December 20th. Some items were withdrawn and tabled for a later time while others such as the advertisement for the sale of fill dirt sitting in Alvin Stock property of Las Quintas Colonias, the consent to rent the El Indio Community Center for $50.00 per hour, and the removal of county material from a private property in Pct. 2, and the hiring of four people to conduct a recount for the last election, and the budget amendment for the Road and Bridge Department to remodel and repair Precinct 2 facilities were approved. The Court adjourned at around 6:00 P.M. to retire to Executive Session to deal with issues ranging from litigation against Ergon Asphalt and Emulsions, Landscape Structures Inc., and Nancy Miwa in the US Court, Western District of Texas, Del Rio Division.

When asked what procedures were utilized now that Commissioner Heredia is not present, Road & Bridge Director told The News Gram, "In order to make expenditures to repair or remodel anything in the precinct, the amount needs to be budgeted by Commissioner's Court to my department to purchase materials in order to complete the project, " Rodriguez added, " Commissioner's Court authorizes me to use those $10,000.00 to complete the project, and we create a line item for auditory purposes."

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