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Distracted driving the leading cause of Maverick County car crashes

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Jose G. Landa

Staff Writer


 Maverick County continues to see hundreds of car accidents occurring on a monthly basis, many  caused by distracted drivers behind the wheel.

New numbers from the Texas Department of Public Safety show that there were 3,283 accidents caused by some sort of cell phone device use. The amount of crashes caused by cell phone use represent 12 percent of all accidents (28,207) that occurred in Texas during 2016.

During 2016, Maverick County reported 795 accidents with 10 fatalities. Of those crashes 46 percent, or 369, MVAs, were attributed to distracted driving, including any type of cell phone use among other factors.  

During 2015 there were 854 motor vehicle accidents and eight deaths reported,  with 57 percent of 484 MVA’s caused by distracted drivers.. During 2014 there were 844 accidents with eight deaths reported with 64 percent, or 539 MVAs, attributed to distracted driving. 

In the three years reviewed the amount of car crashes have decreased in Maverick County, including distracted drivers crashes which have diminished by 31 percent (170) from 2014 to 2016. 

Texas Department of Public Safety yearly crash reports show that in 2016 there were 705 crashes reported in Eagle Pass with one fatality. 

Maverick County reported 795 crashes for a combined total of 1,500 car accidents reported in one year, or four car crashes per day for 365 days straight. 

Law enforcement officials expect that by the end of 2017 the total amount of car crashes will surpass the 2016 totals by a large amount.

During 2016 there were 27 alcohol related accidents reported in Maverick County During 2015 there were 37 reported. Law enforcement officials ask the community to be careful when getting behind the wheel.



 Conducir distraído la principal causa 

de accidentes de autos  en el Condado



Condado de Maverick continua viendo muchos accidentes automovilísticos que  son causados ​​por conductores distraídos detrás del volante.

Nuevos números del Departamento de Seguridad Pública de Texas muestran que hubo 3.283 accidentes causados ​​por algún tipo de dispositivo de teléfono celular. 

La cantidad de accidentes causados ​​por el uso del teléfono celular representa el 12 por ciento de todos los accidentes (28,207) ocurridos en Texas durante 2016.

Durante 2016, el condado de Maverick reportó 795 accidentes con 10 muertes. 

De esos accidentes, el 46 por ciento, o 369, MVA, se atribuyeron a la conducción distraída, incluido cualquier tipo de uso del teléfono celular, entre otros factores.

Durante 2015 hubo 854 accidentes automovilísticos y ocho muertes reportadas, con 57 por ciento de 484 MVA causados ​​por conductores distraídos. Durante 2014 hubo 844 accidentes con ocho muertes reportadas con 64 por ciento, o 539 MVA, atribuidos a conducir distraído.

En los tres años revisados, la cantidad de accidentes automovilísticos disminuyó en el condado de Maverick, incluidos los accidentes de conductores distraídos que disminuyeron en un 31 por ciento (170) entre 2014 y 2016.

Los informes anuales de accidentes del Departamento de Seguridad Pública de Texas muestran que en 2016 se reportaron 705 accidentes en Eagle Pass con una muerte.

El condado de Maverick reportó 795 accidentes por un total combinado de 1,500 accidentes automovilísticos reportados en un año, o cuatro accidentes automovilísticos por día durante 365 días seguidos.

Los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley esperan que, para fines de 2017, la cantidad total de accidentes automovilísticos supere en gran medida los totales de 2016.

Durante 2016 se reportaron 27 accidentes relacionados con el alcohol en el condado de Maverick. Durante 2015, hubo 37 reportados.

Los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley le piden a la comunidad que tenga cuidado al ponerse detrás del volante.

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