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4 local run-off elections in May

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Maverick County Democratic primary election results include 4 local runoff races to be settled in the month of May. Early voting will be from May 14 -18 with election day set for May 22.
In total there were 9,086 votes cast or a 29 % voter participation.

In the293 rd District Judge race Maribel Flores had 4,592 votes (52.76%),
Ricardo Ramos finished with 2,920 votes (33.55%) and Cecilia A. Mascorro brought in 1,191 votes or (13.68%).
365th District Judge Amado Abascal ran unopposed and recorded 4,284 votes.
The Maverick County race had incumbent David R. Saucedo with 3,276 votes or 37.67%, Rudy Bowles with 2,904 votes or 33.39% and Gloria Hernandez with 2,516 votes or 28.93%. Saucedo and Bowles will be going against one another in a run-off.
Maverick County Commissioner of Pct. 2. Rosy Cantu had 808 votes (42.02%), Arianna Perez had 447 votes (23.24%), Martha Chacón brought in 415 votes (21.58%), and Everardo Ballesteros had 253 votes (13.16%). Rosy Cantu and Arianna Perez will be in a run-off. Martha Chacón can still ask for a re-count.
In the Maverick County Justice of the Peace Pct. 4 race Tere Hernandez won with 58.5 % or 1,092 votes. Antonio “Tony” Garcia received 13.57% or 253 votes, and Orlando J. Escareno had 27.8% or 519 votes.

The J.P. Pct.2 race will have a runoff between Dora Madera who had 644 Votes or 35.37%, and Rosanna “Roxi” Rios with 38.4% or 700 votes. Asalia Casares had 477 votes.

In the J.P. Pct. 3 place 1 race there will also be a runoff between Domingo “Mingo” Rodriguez, Jr. had 44.7% or 952 votes and David Castañeda had 29.9% 638 votes. Jose “Joe” Hernandez had 538 votes or 25.28%.
In the J.P. Pct. 1 race Kina Mancha had 1,470 votes to Eluterio Rodriguez’s 571 votes.
Maverick County District Clerk Leopoldo Vielma , County Clerk Sara Montemayor , County Treasurer Rito Valdez, County Commissioner Pct. 4 Roberto Ruiz, Jp. Pct. 3 place 2 Jeannie F. Smith had all run unopposed and were re-elected to their respective positions.
Luis A Ruiz was elected Maverick County Democratic Chairperson.



Habrá Run-off de 4 posiciones:  David Saucedo,Rudy Bowles para Juez del Condado, Roxy Rios,  Dora Madera para JP Precinto # 2; Domingo Rodriguez y David Castañeda JP Precinto 3-lugar 1; Rosy Cantú y Arianna Perez Comisionado Precinto # 2. 


Resultados de elección democrata  primaria  del Condado de Maverick   incluyen 4 carreras  de Run off para mayo. La   votación temprana  será del 14 de mayo-18 con el día de elecciones que será el 22 de mayo.

Last modified on Thursday, 08 March 2018 16:45
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