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City, BEDC discuss transportation infrastructure in Austin

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The City of Eagle Pass Business & Economic Development Committee (BEDC), had a delegation travel to the State’s Capitol on Monday afternoon.
The group was there to push for transportation and infrastructure projects in our area.

The delegation met with Bruce Bugg, Jr., Chairman of the Texas Transportation Commission and Charlie Leal, Transportation Policy Advisor with the Office of the Governor. Mayor Ramsey English-Cantu emphasized the need to develop a Regional Transportation Corridor Plan. This could provide a strategic plan on how to alleviate traffic congestion, improve travel safety, prepare for expanded regional population growth, and support economic development.
Chairman Bugg gave Mayor English-Cantu and the delegation high marks on providing key statistical information that supports the mayor’s request.
The BEDC delegation included Chairman Morris Libson, Transportation & Infrastructure Chairman Chris Hiller, Business & Industry Chairman Hector Cerna, Cross-Border Relations Chairman Ricardo Gonzalez, Acting City Manager Ivan Morua, and BEDC Consultant Ernie Gonzalez.
“As Chairman of the Middle Rio Grande Development Council and a Board Member for Ports-to- Plains, I recognize and am committed to working in the spirit of community partnerships and collaborative efforts to support growth in the City of Eagle Pass and our entire region,” said Cantu.”
“I am pleased about the outcomes of meeting with Chairman Bruce Bugg and Charlie Leal and I am going to seek a resolution from the City Council, the Council of Governments, and our regional communities to begin the Regional Transportation Corridor Plan, we are headed in the right direction,”

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