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A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


An inauguration was held on Thursday on Adams Street where the new Smile Factory Pediatric Dentistry clinic opened it's doors officially located in front of the old Maverick County Hospital/Biolife building.

"We ask that the community show support to new businesses such as this and we would like to thank Dr. Esquivel for providing much needed jobs to our community which is what we have the most need for," stated Sandra Rodriguez of the Eagle Pass Chamber of Commerce, "We welcome the services they will provide as well as the fabulous staff they will have here who will make your visit pleasant."

Rodriguez also welcomed Mr. Joe Ornelas who represented State Representative Alfonso Nevarez before thanking the local media for covering the Chamber's numerous events throughout the year in order to inform the public of the progress of the Eagle Pass Business Sector.

She went on to introduce Dr. Esquivel and ran through his CV which states that he studied abroad in Puerto Rico as well as in the States when he attended Colorado University and received his DDS in 2011 and working in the Hill country before opening his own practice here.

"We would like to inform the public that we are offering dental care for infants from 6 mos. to a year old and up with special needs even if they are hospitalized as well as all your needs in pediatric orthodontics," stated Dr. Esquivel.





A.D. Ibarra

-Del Rio, TX


According to the Western District of Texas, US District Court, Jose Luis Aguilar who was implicated in the case of Rodolfo Heredia, who was initially arrested along with David Gelacio in October of last year, on charges of Conspiracy to lauder money, aiding and abetting money laundering and conspiracy to smuggle bulk cash.

Aguilar was initially set to appear before The Honorable Judge Alia Moses on April 9th for docket call or re-arraignment, but his attorney, Tracy Lynn Spoor has been advised that his re-arraignment will be held on March 27th at 10:30 A.M.

In a re-arraignment, Aguilar will more than likely plead guilty to all or some charges in order to speed up the sentencing phase of his trial.

According to Daryl Fields in a re-arraignment hearing, there is usually a plea involved. Fields is a Public Affairs Officer for the US Attorney's Office, Western District of Texas.  What usually follows is what is known as a precedence report with the judge which outlines details in the case which will help the judge make the appropriate sentence and usually takes 30 to 60 days.

Also on for docket call or re-arraignment are Juan Carlos Moncada, Rodollfo Heredia, Cesar Flores, Eliaz Maldonado and Javier Gonzalez are on the judge's calendar for April 9th at the Federal Courthouse in Del Rio.




A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


Maverick County Sheriff Tom Schmerber informed The News Gram that he is working on accepting applications for the MCSD Explorers, a youth group of potential future Sheriff's Department employees who will be learning the finer points of working with patrol officers, and to represent the department at local community-oriented events such as the annual Feast of Sharing.

"We are presently taking applications for our Explorer group which will be a sort of Boy Scouts type program which we will use to instill good citizenship in our participants to grow up quality people and who may one day even become law enforcement officials," stated Sheriff Schmerber.

According to Schmerber, they have received quite a few applications already and all who apply, if eligible, will become a part of the organization.

Applications are being accepted for all students from Grades 9-12 ages 14-18 at both Eagle Pass High School and at CC Winn High School.


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