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A.D. Ibarra
-KTTT Reservation
An event which has taken a great amount of time and planning came to fruition on Monday, October 28th at the #1 tourist spot Eagle Pass and Maverick County has to offer, the Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino. On hand Robin Miller General Manager of the Casino, Tribal administrator Mr. Don Spaulding, Juan Gonzalez Kisisika, Chairman, Jesús Anico Chacodata, Secretary of the Tribal Council as well The Mayor of the City of Eagle Pass, Ramsey English- Cantú, who said "We have established a wonderful working relationship with the tribal council and administration here within the tribe and we only look forward to that bettering itself that overall benefits our economy.
A.D. Ibarra
-Laredo, TX
In a highly anticipated matchup between Silver & Black Attack CC Winn Maverick Head Coach Eric Villaseñor and former Eagle standout, legend and former Eagle Pass Eagle Head Coach Oki Villaseñor who came out of retirement to front the Purple and Gold Wolves of Laredo LBJ who also sport the services of Randy Bermea and Peter Juve. KSAT 12's Greg Simmons' Big Game Coverage was in the Gateway City following this story as well.
Needless to say, bragging rights were on the line for not only the next off season, but could be as soon as Thanksgiving dinner as the Mavericks were able to score first on a 50 yard pitch and catch from QB Juan Elizondo to Carlos Cerezo who took it on the 15 yard line and was tackled just as he dove into the end zone. Cerezo got the ball for the Mavericks as he picked off a Wolve pass inside Mav territory to start the drive which we capitalized on.
A.D. Ibarra
-City Hall
In a formal ceremony attended by a large group of law enforcement professionals which included all three lieutenants in their dress blues, Lt. Aldo Escamilla, Lt. Alejandro Guedea and Lt. Moses Peña, newly appointed Chief Alberto Guajardo took his oath of office before family, friends, the news media and everyone who is anyone in local, state, federal and area law enforcement.
"Good leaders are hard to find," stated City Manager Gloria Barrientos, "We must make every effort to keep people interested, motivated and dedicated. I have no doubt that Chief Guajardo is up to that task."
Over the last few days, I've had the opportunity to hear and listen," stated The Honorable ramsey English-Cantú, Mayor of the City of Eagle Pass, "And to overall see the vision and the goals Chief Guajardo has for this department."