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El pasado sabado 5 de Mayo sorpresivamente llegaron una gran cantidades de oficiales del DPS y del Texas Alcohol y Tabaco TABC cerca de las 7 de la tarde poniendo unidades alrededor del Tequila’s bar. Por ser una avenida muy transitada llamó la atención tanta actividad policiaca. En realidad se desconoce cual fue el motivo del cateo, lo que si pudimos ver es que al menos retuvieron a una mujer esposada por varios minutos junto a una unidad del DPS, posteriormente le quitaron las esposas . Posiblemente el departamento del DPS tendrá alguna información en las próximas horas, pero según se dice ninguna personas fue arrestada en ese operativo, se sabe que estuvieron investigando y registrando minuciosamente el lugar por mas de una hora, ya que había oficiales dentro del bar y otra gran cantidad de ellos fuera del mismo.
Thirteen percent of the registered voters within
Eagle Pass city limits took to the polls for the
City Charter Amendments Special Election.
A total of 2,105 voters cast their votes during
the election held on Saturday, May 5, 2018.
The local community overwhelmingly rejected
the 6 proposed amendments included in the
charter election.
The amendments Included Proposition 2
which if approved would have allowed for
the Mayor and city council to receive a
salary of up to
60 % for the position of Mayor and 40%
for council members of the allotted city
manager salary.
Currently the salary for the city manager
is set at$128,000 per year. The voters denied
this proposal with 2,003 votes (95.52%) against and
94 votes (4.48%) in favor.
Proposition A
Included amending the city charter to change the
election and term of the city council members and
mayor by electing them at large and
electing 2 council members by numerated districts.
The voters decisively voted against with 1,799 votes (86.20%)
and 288 votes (13.80%) in favor,
In Prop. C the council sought to allow the appointment
and evaluation of the city secretary by the city council.
The voters denied that measure
voting 1,815 against (86.84%)and 275 (13.16%) votes in favor.
The voters also denied Prop. D which called for the city
manager to bring forth any department head appointments
before the city council for
ratification approval. 1,836 (89.21%) votes were cast against
and 222 (10.79%) votes in favor.
Prop E. requiring a candidate filing fee for city elections in
the amount of $500 or 200 voter approved signatures was
also voted down with
1,817(87.02%) voting against and 271 (12.98%) in favor.
Prop. F was an amendment to section 7-1 of the City code
of Ordinances to require that the city manager to provide
a yearly update to the
City Master Plan for the City’s continued growth was the
one proposal that had the most support but still failed.
The votes were as
follows: For 571 votes or (27.36%), and against 1,516
or(72.64%) of the votes cast.
Los votantes dicen No a todas las Proposiciones del Mayor y Concilio
La elección que se celebró el pasado 5 de Mayo donde el Mayor y el Concilio estaban planteando 6 proposiciones para modificar la Constitución de la Ciudad no tuvo aceptación entre los votantes. Aunque el numero de votantes no fue muy grande, y pese a la gran apatía que existe para salir a votar, se logró motivar a 2,105 ciudadanos para que acudieran a depositar su voto.
Los votantes dijeron NO al Mayor y al Concilio en cada una de las Proposiciones para la enmienda.
Proposición A
A favor 288 en contra 1,799
Proposición B que fue la que acaparó la atención y donde definitivamente los votantes no estuvieron de acuerdo, fue en la que el Mayor y el Concilio recibieran un salario tan elevado.
A favor 94
En contra 2,003
Proposición C
A favor 275
En contra 1,815
Proposición D
A favor 222
En contra 1,836
Proposición E
A favor 271
En contra 1,817
Proposición F
A favor 571
En contra 1,516
The Eagle Pass Youth City Council presented the City Administration an idea to put together an awareness campaign specifically called Keep Eagle Pass Beautiful during the council meeting held on Tuesday May 1st.
During the monthly activity reports portion of the meeting, youth Mayor Nadiyah E. Ledesma asked if there was any way that such a campaign could be put together to bring awareness on the beautification of our community. “Is there a way that we can create a campaign for people to be more aware of the importance of keeping our city parks and community at large much cleaner?” asked Ledesma.