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Monday, 08 August 2016 19:53

Summer Fun

After an eventful summer, the 2016 Parks and Recreation Summer Camp has come to an end.


Campers enjoyed presentations from local law enforcement like Eagle Pass Fire Department, Eagle Pass Police Department, US Border Patrol, Maverick County Sheriff’s Department, Texas Parks and Wildlife, and educational entities Sul Ross State University and Southwest Texas Junior College.


 “It was something very informative and a lot of the presentations offered involvement by either questions, activities, or dressing up in the uniforms used by the fire department, for example,” said Recreation Supervisor Juan Cuellar.  “The kids enjoyed it. It was a very successful summer camp.” 


Aside from the presentations, participants enjoyed activities like boat rides, movies, and and trips to the swimming pool.


 Campers celebrated the end of the program with a talent show on Thursday, and water balloons and a picnic lunch at Jesse Sumpter Park on Friday. 


Employees had their own festivities during their Parks and Recreation party at the public swimming pool on Friday.


Campers of the Year included Jayline K. Roberts and Manual Villarreal from the Roy. P. Benavides Recreation Center, Milena Sneider and Ricardo I. Cosio from the San Luis Recreation Center, Dawn N. Hernandez, Janie Rodriguez, Erick Lara, and Juan Jose Ballesteros from the Multipurpose Center.


Gerardo De La Rosa from the San Luis Recreation Center, Maria Velez from the Roy P. Benavides Recreation Center, and Jorge Ruiz and Laura Garduno from the Multipurpose Center were named Coaches of the Year. 


Cuellar would also like to inform the public that volleyball and flag football seasons will be starting with the school year, with the season starting September 29. 


The free after school programs will also be running. From 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., 6 through 12-year-old students can receive homework assistance and participate in recreational activities at the San Luis Recreation Center, Roy P. Benavides Center, or the Loma De La Cruz Center. 


For more information on any of the upcoming activities, contact 830 773 4343. 








Termina campamento de verano de parques y recreaciones


Los campistas disfrutaron de las presentaciones de oficiales de policía local como de los bomberos, departamento de policía de Eagle Pass, Patrulla Fronteriza de Estados Unidos, y el Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Maverick, Texas Parques y Vida Silvestre, y entidades educativas de Sul Ross State University y Southwest Texas Junior College.

"Los niños disfrutaron de las presentaciones. Era algo muy informativo y una gran cantidad de las presentaciones ofrecidas  en donde se hacia cualquier  pregunta y actividades,   por ejemplo: de como utilizan los uniformes los bomberos, "dijo el Supervisor de Recreación Juan Cuellar. "Los niños disfrutaron de este campamento de verano  que fue muy exitoso."

Aparte de las presentaciones, los participantes disfrutaron de paseos en lancha, películas, y  tambien de natación, entre otras actividades.

Los campistas celebraron la terminación con un programa de talentos el jueves, y los globos de agua y un  almuerzo en el parque Jesse Sumpter el viernes.

Los empleados tenían sus propias fiestas durante su partido de parques y recreación en la piscina pública   

Los campistas del año  que participaron eran: Jayline K. Roberts y Villarreal Manual del Roy. P. Benavides centro de recreación, Milena Sneider y Ricardo I. Cosio del San Luis centro, Dawn N. Hernández, Janie Rodríguez, Erick Lara, y Juan José Ballesteros  de Mulitpose Center

Gerardo De La Rosa Del  centro de recreación San Luis, María Vélez de  Roy P. Benavides Centro de Recreación, y Jorge Ruiz y Laura Garduno del Multipurpose Center     nombrados entrenadores del año.

Cuéllar también desea informar al público de que el voleibol y temporadas de flag  fútbol  del año escolar empiezara  el 29 de septiembre.

El programa despues de escuela sera de 3:00 a 7:00p.m., 6 a 12 años de edad, los estudiantes pueden recibir ayuda con la tarea y participar en actividades recreativas en el San Luis centro, Roy P. Benavides centro, o el centro de Loma de la Cruz.

Para obtener más información sobre cualquiera de las próximas actividades, contactar 830 773 4343.


Published in May 2013

The fourth annual Skills and Drills Basketball camp came to an end this week.

The camp focuses on teaching children the fundamentals of basketball and has proven quite popular, with 62 students having participated this year. 

Eagle Pass High School Head Basketball Coach Ernesto “Neto” Reyes said at $45 per child, the camp is helping raise funds for the basketball program at EPHS. 

“We try to do things so we can benefit our program. It took us a couple of camps to finally buy a shooting machine that was very helpful this past season because we were able to pick up our shooting percentage from 28 percent to 34 from the free throw line,” said Reyes. “That shooting machine is pretty pricey. It’s $6,000.”

Not all funds go to the high school’s basketball players. Participants of the Skills and Drills are given awards and memorabilia at the end of the four-day camp. 

“Everything goes back to them, we give them shirts, we give them prizes, we recognize them at the end of the camp according to best camper, campers of the week, and participants that win in the challenges that we have,” said Reyes. “We have the skills challenge, the three-point challenge, the free throw challenge, and this year we’re doing a new one which is the knock out challenge.”

Reyes credited his fellow coaches, Assistant Varsity Coach Julian Caballero, Junior Varsity Assistant Coach Danny Flores, Coach Sergio Ruiz, and students who volunteer, for making the program so well-received.

“It’s a collectively knowledgeable staff helping us with these kids,” said Reyes. “We would also like to thank the parents for trusting us with their kids with our program.”

Reyes said they look forward to next year’s camp being as successful.

“We’re very happy.”


Published in May 2013

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