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Ruiz Takes Over as Treasurer

Thursday, 01 November 2012 21:52 Published in November 2012


-Eagle Pass


Thursday morning, Roberto Ruiz took over as new MAverick County treasurer in replacement of Manuel Reyes who retired October 31st.  The Honorable David R. Saucedo, County Judge made it official in Commissioner's Court.

Ruiz told The News Gram that he is excited about taking over and considers it a professional challenge and he would like to continue the honest approach to helping the county in all of its personnel and benefits related endeavors.

Judge Saucedo stated that he has known Mr. Ruiz for many years and both have served on Commissioner's Court when Saucedo was Commissioner of Pct. 3 and Ruiz was that of Pct. 4.

Ruiz has laso been an educator for many years and was the head of the Texas State Teacher's Association.

Judge Saucedo is confident that Ruiz can do an excellent job whose duties include County payroll and handling employee benefits.

A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


Dr. Claudia Torres, our friendly neighborhood veterinarian, will be administering vaccinations to both dogs and cats at the Multi-purpose Center tomorrow from 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.

Dr. Torres informed The News Gram that it is very important to have your pets vaccinated against rabies and the parvo virus/distemper vaccine which are very dangerous conditions which can lead to the death of your pet.  The rabies vaccine is only $10.00 and the Parvo/Distemper is $15.00.

She will also be administering the feline vaccine for cats which is only $15.00.

The dewormer which is vital for puppies which are at least a month old is only $5.00.

For questions about this event, you can call Dr. Torres at 830-352-1415.

Toma Posesión al Cargo de Tesorero  Roberto Ruiz

Thursday, 01 November 2012 21:41 Published in October 2012

Durante la mañana del jueves en la sala de Corte de Comisionados del Condado de Maverick, el Juez David Saucedo dio el nombramiento oficial a Roberto Ruiz como nuevo Tesorero de esta entidad, en sustitución de Manuelito Reyes que se retiró el pasado 31 de octubre luego de casi 25 años en el cargo. Roberto Ruiz dijo recibir con gusto este nuevo reto profesional y mencionó que desea seguir con el trabajo honesto establecido por Mr. Reyes. El Juez del Condado de Maverick, David Saucedo, dijo que hay plena confianza en que Ruiz hará buen trabajo. Hace dos semanas la Corte de Comisionados estuvo de acuerdo en nombrar de manera unánime a Roberto Ruiz para ser el tesorero.

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