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Joven de 23 años intenta suicidarse; Se encuentra bajo custodia policial
Friday, 17 November 2023 18:47 Published in November 2023Por José G Landa
Se informa que un individuo local intentó suicidarse mientras estaba bajo custodia del Departamento de Policía de Eagle Pass el miércoles 14 de noviembre.
EPPD Arrests Subjects who Stole Meat from Piedras Negras Tortilleria Factory
Friday, 17 November 2023 18:46 Published in November 2023The Eagle Pass Police Department arrested two male subjects involved in the theft of boxes of meat that were stolen from the Piedras Negras Tortilleria Factory.
County’s $7.2 Million Loan Fiasco Now in the Hands of Chief U.S. District Judge Moses
Wednesday, 15 November 2023 20:43 Published in November 2023By Jose G Landa
Western District of Texas Chief U.S. District Judge Alia Moses ruled that Maverick County officials cannot move forward on any things dealing with their efforts to go after a $7,200,000 Certificate of Obligation from the Texas Water Development Board and legal recourses being sought, until they appear in her Courtroom in the coming weeks for a continuation of the hearing that took place on Tuesday, November 14th.
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Santos Gloria es festejado por amigos y compañeros
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Eagle Pass CBP Officers Seize Hard Narcotics Worth Over $495K
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