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El viernes cerca del medio dia se recibió una llamada de auxilio en el 911 de una mujer asustada que estaba atrapada en el elevador de la bibioteca, inmediatamente bomberos de la estación # 1 que está a espaldas de la misma biblioteca y los de la estación # 3 acudieron a darle auxilio para tratar de abrir el elevador.
Border Patrol confirms presence of more than one reptile in the Rio Grande River
Friday, 07 June 2019 19:55 Published in June 2019
United States Border Patrol agents confirmed the presence of at least three crocodiles/alligators whose habitat is the Rio Grande River in Maverick County.
City to host Paint The Town Program in honor of Diana L. Sanchez
Friday, 07 June 2019 19:53 Published in June 2019
The City of Eagle Pass is keeping Diana L. Sanchez' legacy alive by hosting the Paint The Town Project this summer.