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Estamos a cuatro meses de una crisis económica y de salud, y los funcionarios locales continúan luchando con lo que sigue, no solo a nivel local, sino en todo el país.
Las elecciones de desempate del Condado de Maverick estuvieron llenas de sorpresas con los candidatos por primera vez Joe "Mike" Beattie, Oscar Ramos y Albert De La Torre ganando sus elecciones de Contestable.
Public officials announced Monday evening that another 3 individuals passed away due to complications of COVID-19.
Public Officials announced that 6 medical doctors have been brought in as part of the United States National Guard COVID-19 response to assist in treating patients at the Fort Duncan Regional Medical Centers.
As previously reported in the month of June, Dos Republicas Coal Partnership, a subsidiary of Altos Hornos is closing down its Eagle Pass Mine after only a few years in operations.
Maverick County Sheriff Tom Schmerber reported that deputies were able to stop a kidnapping in process.
Local Officials announced on Friday, July 10 that the number of people that have died from COVID-19 is now at 9.
The number of positive COVID-19 Virus cases in Maverick County increased by 49 % from one week to the next.
Maverick County Democratic Chairperson Juanita Martinez is announcing that tomorrow is election day in the run-off races which includes local, state, and federal positions.
Los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley, incluidos el Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Maverick, el Departamento de Policía de Eagle Pass y el Departamento de Seguridad Pública estuvieron involucrados en una persecución a alta velocidad que terminó con el arresto de dos sospechosos y un accidente automovilístico.